String split()

split() separates the string into an array of substrings based on a separator. The separator may be a string or a RegExp object.

An optional second argument sets the array limit. It ensures that the returned array will be no larger than a certain size.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var colorText = "A,B,C,D"; 
        var colors1 = colorText.split(","); //["A", "B", "C", "D"] 
        var colors2 = colorText.split(",", 2); //["A", "B"] 
        var colors3 = colorText.split(/[^\,]+/); //["", ",", ",", ",", ""] 
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The String Type
  2. String length property
  3. String charAt()
  4. String charCodeAt()
  5. String concat()
  6. String slice()
  7. String substr()
  8. String substring()
  9. String indexOf()
  10. String lastIndexOf()
  11. String trim() Method
  12. String toLowerCase()
  13. String toLocaleLowerCase()
  14. String toUpperCase()
  15. String toLocaleUpperCase()
  16. String match()
  17. String search()
  18. String replace()
  19. String split()
  20. String localeCompare() Method
  21. String fromCharCode() Method
  22. String HTML Methods