String replace()

replace() method accepts two arguments.

  • The first argument can be a RegExp object or a string.
  • The second argument can be a string or a function.

If the first argument is a string, then only the first occurrence is replaced. To replace all instances of a substring, you have to provide a regular expression with the global flag.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = "doom, room, loom"; 
        var result = text.replace("oo", "aa"); 
        document.writeln(result); //daam, room, loom 
        result = text.replace(/oo/g, "aa"); 
        document.writeln(result); // daam, raam, laam

Click to view the demo

If the second argument is a string, there are several special character sequences that can be used to insert values from the regular-expression operations.

SequenceReplacement Text
$& The substring matching the entire pattern.
$'The part of the string occurring before the matched substring.
$`The part of the string occurring after the matched substring.
$nnth capture, where n is a value 0-9.
$nnnnth capture, where nn is a value 01-99.

Using these special sequences allows replacement using information about the last match, such as in this example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = "room, loom, doom"; 
        result = text.replace(/(.oo)/g, "aa ($1)"); 
        document.writeln(result); //aa (roo)m, aa (loo)m, aa (doo)m

Click to view the demo

The following code shows the usage of $'

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = "room, loom, doom"; 
        result = text.replace(/(.oo)/g, "aa ($')"); 
        document.writeln(result); //aa (m, loom, doom)m, aa (m, doom)m, aa (m)m

Click to view the demo

The second argument of replace() may be a function. When there is a single match, the function gets passed three arguments:

  • the string match,
  • the position of the match,
  • and the whole string.

When there are multiple matches, the function gets passed three arguments:

  • matched string
  • the position of the match
  • the original string.

The function returns a string indicating what the match should be replaced with.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function htmlEscape(text){ 
           return text.replace(/[<>"&]/g, function(match, pos, originalText){ 
                   case "<": 
                      return "<mark>&lt;</mark>"; 
                   case ">": 
                      return "<mark>&gt;</mark>"; 
                   case "&": 
                      return "<mark>&amp;</mark>"; 
                   case "\"": 
                      return "<mark>&quot;</mark>"; 
        document.writeln(htmlEscape("<p class='greeting'>Hello world!</p>")); 
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The String Type
  2. String length property
  3. String charAt()
  4. String charCodeAt()
  5. String concat()
  6. String slice()
  7. String substr()
  8. String substring()
  9. String indexOf()
  10. String lastIndexOf()
  11. String trim() Method
  12. String toLowerCase()
  13. String toLocaleLowerCase()
  14. String toUpperCase()
  15. String toLocaleUpperCase()
  16. String match()
  17. String search()
  18. String replace()
  19. String split()
  20. String localeCompare() Method
  21. String fromCharCode() Method
  22. String HTML Methods