RegExp Instance Properties

Each instance of RegExp has the following properties:

globalwhether the g flag has been set.Boolean
ignoreCasewhether the i flag has been set.Boolean
lastIndexthe character position where the next match. This value begins as 0.integer
multilinewhether the m flag has been set.Boolean
sourcethe regular expression.string
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var pattern1 = /\[oo\]at/i; 
        document.writeln(; //false 
        document.writeln(pattern1.ignoreCase); //true 
        document.writeln(pattern1.multiline); //false 
        document.writeln(pattern1.lastIndex); //0 
        document.writeln(pattern1.source); //"\[oo\]at" 
        var pattern2 = new RegExp("\\[oo\\]at", "i"); 
        document.writeln(; //false 
        document.writeln(pattern2.ignoreCase); //true 
        document.writeln(pattern2.multiline); //false 
        document.writeln(pattern2.lastIndex); //0 
        document.writeln(pattern2.source); //"\[oo\]at" 
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The Regexp Type
  2. RegExp constructor
  3. RegExp Instance Properties
  4. RegExp's exec() does the matching.
  5. RegExp's test()
  6. RegExp's toLocaleString() and toString()
  7. RegExp Constructor Properties