RegExp Constructor Properties

The RegExp constructor function has several properties and apply to all regular expressions.

Each property has a verbose property name and a shorthand name. The RegExp constructor properties are listed in the following table.

Verbose NameShort NameDescription
input$_The last string matched.
lastMatch $& The last matched text.
lastParen$+The last matched capturing group.
leftContext$`The text that appears in the input string prior to lastMatch.
multiline$*A Boolean value telling whether all expressions should use multiline mode.
rightContext$'The text that appears in the input string after lastMatch.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var text = "this is a test. This is another test."; 
        var pattern = /(.)est/g; 
        if (pattern.test(text)){ 
            document.writeln(RegExp.input); //this is a test. This is another test.
            document.writeln(RegExp.leftContext); //this is a
            document.writeln(RegExp.rightContext);//. This is another test.
            document.writeln(RegExp.lastMatch); //test
            document.writeln(RegExp.lastParen); //t
            document.writeln(RegExp.multiline); false
Click to view the demo
  JavaScript Book 
    Essential Types  

  1. The Regexp Type
  2. RegExp constructor
  3. RegExp Instance Properties
  4. RegExp's exec() does the matching.
  5. RegExp's test()
  6. RegExp's toLocaleString() and toString()
  7. RegExp Constructor Properties