Trim a string

Trim, TrimStart, TrimEnd remove specified characters from a string.

TrimStart removes the characters from the start of a string.

TrimEnd deletes the characters from the end of a string.

Trim does the trim from both ends.

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
        string s = "       ";
        Console.WriteLine("=" + s.Trim() + "=");
        Console.WriteLine("=" + s.TrimStart() + "=");
        Console.WriteLine("=" + s.TrimEnd() + "=");

The output:       =

By default these functions remove while spaces including tabs and new lines.

We can passin characters to those functions.

using System;

class Sample
    public static void Main()
        string s = "";
        Console.WriteLine("=" + s.Trim('m') + "=");
        Console.WriteLine("=" + s.TrimStart('j') + "=");
        Console.WriteLine("=" + s.TrimEnd('m') + "=");

The output:  | Contact Us | Privacy Policy
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