Event and delegate

C# formalizes the event handling by using delegate.

It uses event keyword to declare a delegate type as the event listener and all delegate instances as the handler.

The following code defines a delegate as the prototype for all event handlers.

delegate void PrinterEventHandler(string s);

It requires that all event handlers for the print events should take string as parameter.

The following code uses event keyword to make a delegate as an event.

using System;

public delegate void PrinterEventHandler(string s);
public class Printer
    private string stringValue;
    public event PrinterEventHandler printEventHandler;

    public string StringValue
            return stringValue;
            stringValue = value;

class Test
    static void consoleHandler(string str)
        Console.WriteLine("console handler:" + str);
    static void Main()

        Printer p = new Printer();
        p.printEventHandler += consoleHandler;
        p.StringValue = "java2s.com";


The output:

console handler:java2s.com

event can have the following modifiers.

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