Node.js crypto aes-256-ecb
var crypto = require("crypto"); var cipher, ciphered, decipher, deciphered, password; password = "i'm the password"; cipher = crypto.createCipher("aes-256-ecb", password); //important! Update cipher content in "utf8" encoding; To be transformed to a "hex" string! ciphered = cipher.update("hello world!", "utf8", "hex"); ciphered += cipher.update("hello nodejs!", "utf8", "hex"); ciphered +="hex"); console.log(ciphered);//6cc3c04d5fc076ba32b742e1f3439880adbe251e87fe0be9f42a16be4d69a4b8 decipher = crypto.createDecipher("aes-256-ecb", password); //important! Update decipher content is "hex" string; To be transfromed to a "utf8" result! deciphered = decipher.update(ciphered, "hex", "utf8"); deciphered +="utf8"); console.log(deciphered);//hello world!hello nodejs!