Javascript String iterator


The string prototype has an @@iterator method.


We can iterate through individual characters.

Manual use of the iterator works as follows:

let message = "abc"; 
let stringIterator = message[Symbol.iterator](); 
              /*from www.j av a2  s .  c  om*/
console.log(;  // {value: "a", done: false} 
console.log(;  // {value: "b", done: false} 
console.log(;  // {value: "c", done: false} 
console.log(;  // {value: undefined, done: true} 

When used in a for of loop, the loop will use this iterator to visit each character in order:

for (const c of "abcde") {
    console.log(c);/*w  ww .jav a 2  s . co m*/

The string iterator allows for interoperability with the destructuring operator.

This allows you to split a string by its characters:

let message = "abcde"; 

console.log([...message]);  // ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"] 

