Javascript Assignment Operators


Simple assignment is done with the equal sign (=).

It assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left:

let num = 10; 

Compound assignment is done with one of the multiplicative, additive, or bitwise-shift operators followed by an equal sign (=).

These assignments are designed as shorthand for such common situations as this:

let num = 10; 
num = num + 10; 

The second line of code can be replaced with a compound assignment:

let num = 10; 
num += 10; 

Compound-assignment operators exist for each of the major mathematical operations and a few others as well.

Description Operator
Modulus/assign %=
Add/assign +=
Subtract/assign -=
Left shift/assign<<=
Signed right shift/assign >>=
Unsigned right shift/assign >>>=

