JavaFX Panes for layout


Panes for Containing and Organizing Nodes

Class Description
PaneBase class for layout panes. It contains the getChildren() method for returning a list of nodes in the pane.
StackPane Places the nodes on top of each other in the center of the pane.
FlowPanePlaces the nodes row-by-row horizontally or column-by-column vertically.
GridPane Places the nodes in the cells in a two-dimensional grid.
BorderPane Places the nodes in the top, right, bottom, left, and center regions.
HBox Places the nodes in a single row.
VBox Places the nodes in a single column.
Group Applies effects and transformations collectively to all its children.
TilePane Arranges children in a grid of uniformly sized cells.
AnchorPaneArranges children by anchoring their edges to the edges of the layout area.
TextFlow Lays out rich text whose contents may consist of several Text nodes.

