Java OCA OCP Practice Question 905


What does the following output?

String[] os = new String[] { "Mac", "Linux", "Windows" }; 
System.out.println(Arrays.binarySearch(os, "RedHat")); 
  • A. -1
  • B. -2
  • C. -3
  • D. The output is not defined.



The code sorts before calling binarySearch, so it meets the pre-condition for that method.

The target string of RedHat is not found in the sorted array.

If it was found, it would be between the second and third element.

The rule is to take the negative index of where it would be inserted and subtract 1.

It would need to be inserted as the third element.

Since indexes are zero based, this is index 2.

We take the negative, which is -2, and subtract 1, giving -3.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

