Java OCA OCP Practice Question 871


What is output by the following code?

Choose all that apply

1: public class Main { 
2:  public static void main(String[] args) { 
3:    int numMain = 4; 
4:    String fishType = "tuna"; 
5:    String anotherMain = numMain + 1; 
6:    System.out.println(anotherMain + " " + fishType); 
7:    System.out.println(numMain + " " + 1); 
8:  } //from   w  w  w  . j  av  a

A.  4 1 
B.  41 
C.  5 
D.  5 tuna 
E.  5tuna 
F.  51tuna 
G.  The code does not compile. 



Line 5 does not compile.

This question is checking to see if you are paying attention to the types.

numMain is an int and 1 is an int.

Therefore, we use numeric addition and get 5.

The problem is that we can't store an int in a String variable.

Supposing line 5 said String anotherMain = numMain + 1 + "";.

In that case, the answer would be options A and D.

The variable defined on line 5 would be the string "5", and both output statements would use concatenation.

