Java OCA OCP Practice Question 779


How many times does the following code print true?

1:   public class Main { 
2:      public static void main(String[] args) { 
3:         String main = "main"; 
4:         System.out.println(main.toUpperCase() == main); 
5:         System.out.println(main.toUpperCase() == main.toUpperCase()); 
6:         System.out.println(main.toUpperCase().equals(main)); 
7:         System.out.println(main.toUpperCase().equals(main.toUpperCase())); 
8:         System.out.println(main.toUpperCase().equalsIgnoreCase(main)); 
9:         System.out.println(main.toUpperCase() 
10:           .equalsIgnoreCase(main.toUpperCase())); 
11:  } /*  w ww  .ja v a2s.  co m*/
  • A. One
  • B. Two
  • C. Three
  • D. Four
  • E. Five
  • F. None. The code does not compile.



Lines 4 and 5 both print false since a String should be compared with a method rather than ==, especially when not comparing two values from the string pool.

Line 6 also prints false because one value is uppercase and the other is lowercase.

Line 7 prints true because both values are uppercase.

Lines 8 and 9 print true because they don't look at the case.

Option C is the answer.

