Java OCA OCP Practice Question 671


What letters will be printed by this program?

public class Main{ 
    public static void main (String args []){ 
        char i; /*from  www .j  a va 2*/
        LOOP: for  (i=0;i<5;i++){ 
            switch (i++){ 
                case  '0': System.out.println ("A"); 
                case 1: System.out.println ("B"); break LOOP; 
                case 2: System.out.println ("C"); break; 
                case 3: System.out.println ("D"); break; 
                case 4: System.out.println ("E"); 
                case  'E '  : System.out.println ("F"); 

Select 2 options

  • A. A
  • B. B
  • C. C
  • D. D
  • E. F

Correct Options are  : C E


Defining i as char doesn't mean that it can only hold characters (a, b, c etc).

It is an integral data type which can take any +ive integer value from 0 to 2^16 - 1.

Integer 0 or 1, 2 etc. is not same as char '0', ' 1' or '2' etc.

so when i is equal to 0, nothing gets printed and i is incremented to 1 due to i++ in the switch.

i is then incremented again by the for loop for next iteration.

so i becomes 2.

when i = 2, "C" is printed and i is incremented to 3 and then i is incremented to 4 by the for loop so i becomes 4.

when i = 4, "E" is printed and since there is no break, it falls through to case '5' and "F" is printed.

i is incremented to 5 and the for loop ends.

