Java OCA OCP Practice Question 535


Which of the following legally fill in the blank so you can run the main() method from the command line?

Choose all that apply

public static void main()
  • A. String[] _names
  • B. String[] 123
  • C. String abc[]
  • D. String _Names[]
  • E. String... $n
  • F. String names
  • G. None of the above.

A, C, D, E.


Option A is correct because it is the traditional main() method signature and variables may begin with underscores.

Options C and D are correct because the array operator may appear after the variable name.

Option E is correct because varargs are allowed in place of an array.

Option B is incorrect because variables are not allowed to begin with a digit.

Option F is incorrect because the argument must be an array or varargs.

Option F is a perfectly good method.

It is not one that can be run from the command line because it has the wrong parameter type.

