Java OCA OCP Practice Question 521


Which of the following are true? (Choose all that apply)

4: short v = 5; 
5: int v2 = 5.6; 
6: String name = "Scruffy"; 
7: v.length(); 
8: v2.length(); 
9: name.length(); 
  • A. Line 4 generates a compiler error.
  • B. Line 5 generates a compiler error.
  • C. Line 6 generates a compiler error.
  • D. Line 7 generates a compiler error.
  • E. Line 8 generates a compiler error.
  • F. Line 9 generates a compiler error.
  • G. The code compiles as is.

B, D, E.


Option A (line 4) compiles because short is an integral type.

Option B (line 5) generates a compiler error because int is an integral type, but 5.6 is a floating-point type.

Option C (line 6) compiles because it is assigned a String.

Options D and E (lines 7 and 8) do not compile because short and int are primitives.

Primitives do not allow methods to be called on them.

Option F (line 9) compiles because length() is defined on String.

