Java OCA OCP Practice Question 419


Consider the following code:

1. public class MyClass { 
2.   public static void main(String[] args) { 
3.     assert args.length == 0; 
4    } 
5. } 

Which of the following conditions must be true in order for the code to throw an AssertionError?

Assume you are using release 5.0. (Choose all that apply.)

  • A. The source code must be compiled with the -source 1.5 flag.
  • B. The application must be run with the -enableassertions flag or another assertion enabling flag.
  • C. The args array must have exactly zero elements.
  • D. The args array must have one or more elements.

A, B, D.


The 1.4 compiler only treated assert as a keyword and not an ordinary identifier if the -source 1.4 flag appeared in the command line.

JDK 5.0 does not require a -source flag.

So A is not a requirement.

If the application is not run with assertions explicitly enabled, all assert statements will be ignored.

If the args array does not have exactly zero arguments, no AssertionError will be thrown.

