Java OCA OCP Practice Question 381


Which of these statements concerning the charAt () method of the String class are true?

Select 2 options

  • A. The charAt() method can take a char value as an argument.
  • B. The charAt() method returns a Character object.
  • C. The expression char ch = "12345".charAt (3) will assign 3 to ch.
  • D. The expression char ch = str.charAt (str.length ()) where str is "12345", will assign 3 to ch.
  • E. The index of the first character is 0.
  • F. It throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if passed an value higher than or equal to the length of the string (or less than 0).
  • G. It throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if passed an value higher than or equal to the length of the string (or less than 0).

Correct Options are  : A E


A. is correct. Yes, it can because it takes an int and char will be implicitly promoted to int.

B. is wrong since charAt() returns char.

C. is wrong since it will assign 4 as indexing starts from 0.

D. is wrong since it will throw IndexOutOfBoundsException as str.length () is 5 and there is no str.charAt (5);

Since indexing starts with 0, the maximum value that you can pass to charAt is length-1.

charAt() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if you pass an invalid value.

