Java OCA OCP Practice Question 333


What is the output of the following code snippet?

13: System.out.print("a"); 
14: try { //from w  ww. j ava  2s .  c o  m
15:   System.out.print("b"); 
16:   throw new IllegalArgumentException(); 
17: } catch (RuntimeException e) { 
18:   System.out.print("c"); 
19: } finally { 
20:   System.out.print("d"); 
21: } 
22: System.out.print("e"); 
A.  abe 
B.  abce 
C.  abde 
D.  abcde 
E.  The code does not compile. 
F.  An uncaught exception is thrown. 



The code starts running and prints a and b on lines 13 and 15.

Line 16 throws an exception, which is caught on line 17.

After line 18 prints c, the finally block is run and d is printed.

Then the try statement ends and e is printed on line 22.

