Java OCA OCP Practice Question 3053


Which one of the following code snippets shows the correct usage of try-with-resources statement?

a)  public static void main(String []files) {
        try (FileReader inputFile
                = new FileReader(new File(files[0]))) {
        }//  w ww. j  av a2 s. co  m
        catch(IOException ioe) {}

b)  public static void main(String []files) {
        try (FileReader inputFile
                = new FileReader(new File(files[0]))) {
        finally { }
        catch(IOException ioe) {}

c)  public static void main(String []files) {
        try (FileReader inputFile
                = new FileReader(new File(files[0]))) {
        catch(IOException ioe) {}
        finally { inputFile.close(); }

d)  public static void main(String []files) {
        try (FileReader inputFile
                = new FileReader(new File(files[0]))) {



option b) provides finally before the catch block, it will result in a compiler error.

option c) uses the variable inputFile in the statement inputFile.close() that is not accessible in the finally block and hence results in a compiler error.

option d) the required catch block in this context is missing in the code (because the try block code may throw IOException), and hence it is incorrect usage.

