Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2968



2. public class Main {  
3.   public static void main(String[] args) {  
4.     try {  /* w  w  w .j a  va2  s.  c  om*/
5.       assert(!args[0].equals("x")): "kate";  
6.     } catch(Error e) { System.out.print("ae "); }  
7.     finally {  
8.       try {  
9.         assert(!args[0].equals("y")): "jane";  
10.       } catch(Exception e2) { System.out.print("ae2 "); }  
11.       finally {  
12.         throw new IllegalArgumentException();  
13. } } } } 

And, if the code compiles, the invocation:

java -ea Main y 

Which will be included in the output? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A. ae
  • B. ae2
  • C. kate
  • D. jane
  • E. AssertionError
  • F. IllegalArgumentException
  • G. There is no output because compilation fails.

F   is correct.


Line 9 throws an AssertionError (which the second catch statement cannot catch).

Before it can be reported, the second finally statement MUST run, which throws IllegalArgumentException, so the AssertionError never gets reported.

