Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2956


What is the result of the following code snippet?

3: int x = 10; 
4: switch(x % 4.) { 
5:    default: System.out.print("Not divisible by 4"); 
6:    case 0: System.out.print("Divisible by 4"); 
7: } 
  • A. Not divisible by 4
  • B. Divisible by 4
  • C. Not divisible by 4Divisible by 4
  • D. The code does not output any text.
  • E. The code will not compile because of line 4.



For this problem you need to remember your rules about numeric promotion as well as what data types are allowed in a switch statement.

The expression x % 4.

automatically promotes the x to a double; since 4. is a double, the result is a double.

Because a switch statement does not accept the type double, the code fails to compile due to line 4, so option E is the correct answer.

