Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2761


Which of the following are true given the declaration IntStream is = IntStream.empty()? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A. is.average() returns the type int.
  • B. is.average() returns the type OptionalInt.
  • C. is.findAny() returns the type int.
  • D. is.findAny() returns the type OptionalInt.
  • E. is.sum() returns the type int.
  • F. is.sum() returns the type OptionalInt.

D, E.


The sum() method returns an int rather than an OptionalInt because the sum of an empty list is zero.

Therefore, option E is correct.

The findAny() method returns an OptionalInt because there might not be any elements to find.

Therefore, option D is correct.

The average() method returns an OptionalDouble since averages of any type can result in a fraction.

Therefore, options A and B are both incorrect.

