Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2739



1. public class Hose <E extends Hose> {  
2.   E innerE;  
3.   public static E doShape(E e, Hose<E> e2) {  
4.     // insert code here   
5.   }  
6.   public E getE() {  
7.     return innerE;  
8. } } 

Which can be inserted, independently at line 4, for the code to compile? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A. return e;
  • B. return e.getE();
  • C. return e2;
  • D. return e2.getE();
  • E. return new Hose().getE();
  • F. Compilation fails regardless of which return is inserted.

F   is correct.


The generic type "E", which is declared at the class level, will be associated with each instance of Hose, and is not accessible to static methods.

If doShape() was non-static, A and D would be correct.

