Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2507


Assuming the current directory /bats/day and all of the files and directories referenced here exist and are available within the file system, what is the result of executing the following code?

Path path1 = Paths.get("/bats/night","../").resolve(Paths.get("./sleep.txt")).normalize(); 
Path path2 = new File("../sleep.txt").toPath().toRealPath(); 

System.out.print(" "+path1.equals(path2)); 
  • A. true true
  • B. false false
  • C. true false
  • D. false true
  • E. The code does not compile.
  • F. The code compiles but throws an exception at runtime.



The code compiles and runs without issue, so E and F are incorrect.

For this question, it helps if you resolve each path to a simplified form component before answering it.

The path1 variable simplifies to /bats/sleep.txt after the Path operations have been applied.

The path2 variable using the current directory of /bats/day is assigned a path value of / bats/sleep.txt.

Since the file Path objects represent the same path within the file system, they will return true for both equals() and isSameFile(), so A is the correct answer and B, C, and D are incorrect.

