Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2480


Which code options when inserted at /* INSERT CODE HERE */ will copy the specified file from the specified source to the destination?.

public static void copyFile (String src, String dest) throws IOException{
    java.nio.file.Files.copy(source, destination);
a  Path source = Paths.get(src);
   Path destination = Paths.get(dest);

b  FileInputStream source = new FileInputStream(new File(src));
   Path destination = Paths.get(dest);

c  Path source = Paths.get(src);
   BufferedOutputStream destination = new BufferedOutputStream(
                                            new FileOutputStream(dest));

d  FileInputStream source = new FileInputStream(new File(src));
   FileOutputStream destination = new FileOutputStream(new File(dest));

a, b, c


The overloaded copy() method in class Files can copy a source to a destination in the following formats:

  • From InputStream to Path
  • From Path to OutputStream
  • From Path to Path

Therefore, options (a), (b), and (c) are correct.

FileInputStream extends InputStream, FileOutputStream extends OutputStream, and BufferedOutputStream extends OutputStream.

So their objects can be passed to Files.copy().

Option (d) is incorrect because method copy() in class Files doesn't copy InputStream to OutputStream.

