Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2370


Select all incorrect statements.

  • a An abstract class may define abstract methods.
  • b An abstract class forces all its concrete derived classes to implement all its abstract methods.
  • c An abstract class does provide enough details for its objects to be created.
  • d An abstract class is used to group the common behaviors of a set of similar objects, but which itself may be incomplete.
  • e An abstract class may not be used to create a new type.
  • f You can create an instance of an abstract class.

c, e, f


Option (c) is an incorrect statement, because objects of an abstract class can't be created, even if the class doesn't define any abstract method.

Option (e) is an incorrect statement.

An abstract class defines a new type.

This type can be used to define variables in multiple scopes (instance variables, static variables, method parameters, and local variables).

Option (f) is an incorrect statement, because you can't create an object of an abstract class.

