Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2308


Consider the following code snippet.

assume that DbConnector.connectToDb() returns a valid Connection object and that the contact table has an entry with the value "Michael" in the firstName column:.

ResultSet resultSet = null;
try (Connection connection = DbConnector.connectToDb()) {
    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
    resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM contact WHERE firstName LIKE 'M%'"); // #LINE1
while ({     //#LINE2
    // print the names by calling resultSet.getString("firstName"));
  • A. this program results in a compiler error in the statement marked with comment #LINE1.
  • B. this program results in a compiler error in the statement marked with comment #LINE2.
  • C. this program crashes by throwing an SQLException.
  • d. this program crashes by throwing a NullPointerException.
  • e. this program prints firstName column values that start with the character "M".



the try-with-resources block is closed before the while statement executes.

Calling results in making a call on the closed ResultSet object.

hence, this program results in throwing a SQLException ("operation not allowed after resultset closed").

