Java OCA OCP Practice Question 2196


Which command causes the following class to throw an AssertionError at runtime?.

public class Main { 
   private static final short V = 12; 
   private Main() { 
      super(); /*from   w  ww  .java 2 s  .  co m*/
   int checkHour() { 
      assert V > 12; 
      return V; 
   public static void main(String... ticks) { 
      new Main().checkHour(); 
A.  java -da Main
B.  java -ea:Main -da Main
C.  java -ea -da:Main Main
D.  java -enableassert Main
E.  None of the above since the Main class does not compile.



The code compiles without issue, making Option E incorrect.

Option A is incorrect because it disables all assertions, which is the default JVM behavior.

Option B is the correct answer.

It disables assertions everywhere but enables them within the Main class, triggering an AssertionError at runtime within the checkHour() method.

Option C is incorrect because it enables assertions everywhere but disables them within the Main class.

Option D is also incorrect because -enableassert is not a valid JVM flag.

The only valid flags to enable assertions are -ea and -enableassertions.

