Java OCA OCP Practice Question 194


Given that a Math class exists in both the java.lang and mypkg packages.

what is the result of compiling the following class?

1: package pocket; 
2: import mypkg.*; 
3: import java.util.*; 
4: public class Calculator { 
5:   public static void main(String[] args) { 
6:      System.out.print(Math.floor(5)); 
7:   } 
8: } 
  • A. The code does not compile because of line 2.
  • B. The code does not compile because of line 3.
  • C. The code does not compile because of line 6.
  • D. The code compiles without issue.



java.lang is automatically imported in all Java classes.

Both java.lang.Math and mypkg.Math are both imported into this class.

Importing both sets of packages does not cause any compilation issues.

Option A is incorrect.

Line 3 is unnecessary import but including it does not prevent the class from compiling.

Option B is incorrect.

While both versions of Math may be imported into the class, the usage of the Math class requires a package name.

Because of this, line 6 does not compile as the class reference is ambiguous.

Option C is the correct answer

Option D is incorrect.

