Java OCA OCP Practice Question 1716


What would be the result of compiling and running the following program?.

class Main {/*from   www  .ja  va2s .co  m*/
  static Main ref;
  String[] arguments;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ref = new Main();

  public void func(String[] args) {
    ref.arguments = args;

Select the one correct answer.

  • (a) The program will fail to compile, since the static method main() cannot have a call to the non-static method func().
  • (b) The program will fail to compile, since the non-static method func() cannot access the static variable ref.
  • (c) The program will fail to compile, since the argument args passed to the static method main() cannot be passed to the non-static method func().
  • (d) The program will compile, but will throw an exception when run.
  • (e) The program will compile and run successfully.



An object reference is needed to access non-static members.

Static methods do not have the implicit object reference this, and must always supply an explicit object reference when referring to non-static members.

The static method main() legally refers to the non-static method func(), using the reference variable ref.

Static members are accessible both from static and non-static methods, using their simple names.

No NullPointerException is thrown, as ref refers to an instance of Main.

