Java char type cast between char and numeric types


A char can be cast into any numeric type, and vice versa.

When an integer is cast into a char, only its lower 16 bits of data are used; the other part is ignored.

For example:

char ch = (char)0XAB0041; // The lower 16 bits hex code 0041 is assigned to ch 
System.out.println(ch);   // ch is character A 

When a floating-point value is cast into a char, the floating-point value is first cast into an int, which is then cast into a char.

char ch = (char)65.25; // Decimal 65 is assigned to ch 
System.out.println(ch);// ch is character A 

When a char is cast into a numeric type, the character's Unicode is cast into the specified numeric type.

int i = (int)'A'; // The Unicode of character A is assigned to i 
System.out.println(i);  // i is 65 

Implicit casting can be used if the result of a casting fits into the target variable.

Otherwise, explicit casting must be used.

For example, since the Unicode of 'a' is 97, which is within the range of a byte, these implicit castings are fine:

byte b =  'a'; 
int i =  'a'; 

But the following casting is incorrect, because the Unicode \uFFF4 cannot fit into a byte:

byte b =  '\uFFF4'; 

To force this assignment, use explicit casting, as follows:

byte b = (byte)'\uFFF4'; 

Any positive integer between 0 and FFFF in hexadecimal can be cast into a character implicitly.

Any number not in this range must be cast into a char explicitly.

For example, the following characters statements

int i =  '2' +  '3'; // (int)'2' is 50 and (int)'3' is 51 
System.out.println("i is " + i); // i is 101 
int j = 2 +  'a'; // (int)'a' is 97 
System.out.println("j is " + j); // j is 99 
System.out.println(j + " is the Unicode for character " + (char)j); // 99 is the Unicode for character c 
System.out.println("Chapter " +  '2'); 

