Java Algorithms Binary Search Tree Animation


Java Algorithms Binary Search Tree Animation

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import javafx.application.Application;
import javafx.geometry.Pos;
import javafx.scene.Scene;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.Label;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane;
import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.Line;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.stage.Stage;

class BTView extends Pane {
  private BinarySearchTree<Integer> tree = new BinarySearchTree<>();
  private double radius = 15; // Tree node radius
  private double vGap = 50; // Gap between two levels in a tree

  BTView(BinarySearchTree<Integer> tree) {
    this.tree = tree;
    setStatus("Tree is empty");
  }/*  www. j a v  a*/

  public void setStatus(String msg) {
    getChildren().add(new Text(20, 20, msg));

  public void displayTree() {
    this.getChildren().clear(); // Clear the pane
    if (tree.getRoot() != null) {
      // Display tree recursively
      displayTree(tree.getRoot(), getWidth() / 2, vGap, getWidth() / 4);

  /** Display a subtree rooted at position (x, y) */
  private void displayTree(TreeNode<Integer> root, double x, double y, double hGap) {
    if (root.left != null) {
      // Draw a line to the left node
      getChildren().add(new Line(x - hGap, y + vGap, x, y));
      // Draw the left subtree recursively
      displayTree(root.left, x - hGap, y + vGap, hGap / 2);

    if (root.right != null) {
      // Draw a line to the right node
      getChildren().add(new Line(x + hGap, y + vGap, x, y));
      // Draw the right subtree recursively
      displayTree(root.right, x + hGap, y + vGap, hGap / 2);

    // Display a node
    Circle circle = new Circle(x, y, radius);
    getChildren().addAll(circle, new Text(x - 4, y + 4, root.element + ""));

public class Main extends Application {
  public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
    BinarySearchTree<Integer> tree = new BinarySearchTree<>(); // Create a tree

    BorderPane pane = new BorderPane();
    BTView view = new BTView(tree); // Create a View

    TextField tfKey = new TextField();
    Button btInsert = new Button("Insert");
    Button btDelete = new Button("Delete");
    HBox hBox = new HBox(5);
    hBox.getChildren().addAll(new Label("Enter a key: "), tfKey, btInsert, btDelete);

    btInsert.setOnAction(e -> {
      int key = Integer.parseInt(tfKey.getText());
      if ( { // key is in the tree already
        view.setStatus(key + " is already in the tree");
      } else {
        tree.insert(key); // Insert a new key
        view.setStatus(key + " is inserted in the tree");

    btDelete.setOnAction(e -> {
      int key = Integer.parseInt(tfKey.getText());
      if (! { // key is not in the tree
        view.setStatus(key + " is not in the tree");
      } else {
        tree.delete(key); // Delete a key
        view.setStatus(key + " is deleted from the tree");

    // Create a scene and place the pane in the stage
    Scene scene = new Scene(pane, 450, 250);

  public static void main(String[] args) {

class BinarySearchTree<E extends Comparable<E>> implements Tree<E> {
  protected TreeNode<E> root;
  protected int size = 0;

  public BinarySearchTree() {

  public BinarySearchTree(E[] objects) {
    for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)

  public boolean search(E e) {
    TreeNode<E> current = root; // Start from the root

    while (current != null) {
      if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0) {
        current = current.left;
      } else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {
        current = current.right;
      } else // element matches current.element
        return true; // Element is found

    return false;

  public boolean insert(E e) {
    if (root == null)
      root = createNewNode(e); // Create a new root
    else {
      // Locate the parent node
      TreeNode<E> parent = null;
      TreeNode<E> current = root;
      while (current != null)
        if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0) {
          parent = current;
          current = current.left;
        } else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {
          parent = current;
          current = current.right;
        } else
          return false; // Duplicate node not inserted

      // Create the new node and attach it to the parent node
      if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)
        parent.left = createNewNode(e);
        parent.right = createNewNode(e);

    return true; // Element inserted successfully

  protected TreeNode<E> createNewNode(E e) {
    return new TreeNode<>(e);

  @Override /** Inorder traversal from the root */
  public void inorder() {

  /** Inorder traversal from a subtree */
  protected void inorder(TreeNode<E> root) {
    if (root == null)
    System.out.print(root.element + " ");

  @Override /** Postorder traversal from the root */
  public void postorder() {

  /** Postorder traversal from a subtree */
  protected void postorder(TreeNode<E> root) {
    if (root == null)
    System.out.print(root.element + " ");

  @Override /** Preorder traversal from the root */
  public void preorder() {

  /** Preorder traversal from a subtree */
  protected void preorder(TreeNode<E> root) {
    if (root == null)
    System.out.print(root.element + " ");

  @Override /** Get the number of nodes in the tree */
  public int getSize() {
    return size;

  /** Returns the root of the tree */
  public TreeNode<E> getRoot() {
    return root;

  /** Returns a path from the root leading to the specified element */
  public List<TreeNode<E>> path(E e) {
    List<TreeNode<E>> list = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
    TreeNode<E> current = root; // Start from the root

    while (current != null) {
      list.add(current); // Add the node to the list
      if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0) {
        current = current.left;
      } else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {
        current = current.right;
      } else

    return list;

  public boolean delete(E e) {
    TreeNode<E> parent = null;
    TreeNode<E> current = root;
    while (current != null) {
      if (e.compareTo(current.element) < 0) {
        parent = current;
        current = current.left;
      } else if (e.compareTo(current.element) > 0) {
        parent = current;
        current = current.right;
      } else

    if (current == null)
      return false; // Element is not in the tree

    // Case 1: current has no left child
    if (current.left == null) {
      // Connect the parent with the right child of the current node
      if (parent == null) {
        root = current.right;
      } else {
        if (e.compareTo(parent.element) < 0)
          parent.left = current.right;
          parent.right = current.right;
    } else {
      // Case 2: The current node has a left child
      // Locate the rightmost node in the left subtree of
      // the current node and also its parent
      TreeNode<E> parentOfRightMost = current;
      TreeNode<E> rightMost = current.left;

      while (rightMost.right != null) {
        parentOfRightMost = rightMost;
        rightMost = rightMost.right; // Keep going to the right

      // Replace the element in current by the element in rightMost
      current.element = rightMost.element;

      // Eliminate rightmost node
      if (parentOfRightMost.right == rightMost)
        parentOfRightMost.right = rightMost.left;
        // Special case: parentOfRightMost == current
        parentOfRightMost.left = rightMost.left;

    return true; // Element deleted successfully

  @Override /** Obtain an iterator. Use in order. */
  public java.util.Iterator<E> iterator() {
    return new InorderIterator();

  // Inner class InorderIterator
  private class InorderIterator implements java.util.Iterator<E> {
    // Store the elements in a list
    private java.util.ArrayList<E> list = new java.util.ArrayList<>();
    private int current = 0; // Point to the current element in list

    public InorderIterator() {
      inorder(); // Traverse binary tree and store elements in list

    /** Inorder traversal from the root */
    private void inorder() {

    /** Inorder traversal from a subtree */
    private void inorder(TreeNode<E> root) {
      if (root == null)

    @Override /** More elements for traversing? */
    public boolean hasNext() {
      if (current < list.size())
        return true;

      return false;

    @Override /** Get the current element and move to the next */
    public E next() {
      return list.get(current++);

    @Override // Remove the element returned by the last next()
    public void remove() {
      if (current == 0) // next() has not been called yet
        throw new IllegalStateException();

      list.clear(); // Clear the list
      inorder(); // Rebuild the list

  @Override /** Remove all elements from the tree */
  public void clear() {
    root = null;
    size = 0;

interface Tree<E> extends Collection<E> {
  /** Return true if the element is in the tree */
  public boolean search(E e);

   * Insert element e into the binary tree Return true if the element is inserted
   * successfully
  public boolean insert(E e);

   * Delete the specified element from the tree Return true if the element is
   * deleted successfully
  public boolean delete(E e);

  /** Get the number of elements in the tree */
  public int getSize();

  /** Inorder traversal from the root */
  public default void inorder() {

  /** Postorder traversal from the root */
  public default void postorder() {

  /** Preorder traversal from the root */
  public default void preorder() {

  @Override /** Return true if the tree is empty */
  public default boolean isEmpty() {
    return this.size() == 0;

  public default boolean contains(Object e) {
    return search((E) e);

  public default boolean add(E e) {
    return insert(e);

  public default boolean remove(Object e) {
    return delete((E) e);

  public default int size() {
    return getSize();

  public default boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return false;

  public default boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return false;

  public default boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return false;

  public default boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return false;

  public default Object[] toArray() {
    // Left as an exercise
    return null;

  public default <T> T[] toArray(T[] array) {
    // Left as an exercise
    return null;

class TreeNode<E> {
  public E element;
  public TreeNode<E> left;
  public TreeNode<E> right;

  public TreeNode(E e) {
    element = e;

