C++ Data Type Converts a length in yards as a decimal value to yards, feet, and inches.
#include <iostream> int main()/* www . j av a 2s.c o m*/ { const unsigned int feet_per_yard {3}; const unsigned inches_per_foot {12}; double length {}; // Length as decimal yards unsigned int yards{}; // Whole yards unsigned int feet {}; // Whole feet unsigned int inches {}; // Whole inches std::cout << "Enter a length in yards as a decimal: "; std::cin >> length; // Get the length as yards, feet, and inches yards = static_cast<unsigned int>(length); feet = static_cast<unsigned int>((length - yards)*feet_per_yard); inches = static_cast<unsigned int> (length*feet_per_yard *inches_per_foot) % inches_per_foot; std::cout << length << " yards converts to " << yards << " yards " << feet << " feet " << inches << " inches." << std:: endl; }