C++ Class Inheritance Multiple inheritance with English Measures


C++ Class Inheritance Multiple inheritance with English Measures

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Type                        //type of lumber
   private://from   w w  w .j  a  v  a 2s.c om
   string dimensions;
   string grade;
   public:                        //no-arg constructor
   Type() : dimensions("N/A"), grade("N/A")
   {  }
   //2-arg constructor
   Type(string di, string gr) : dimensions(di), grade(gr)
   {  }
   void gettype()              //get type from user
      cout << "   Enter nominal dimensions (2x4 etc.): ";
      cin >> dimensions;
      cout << "   Enter grade (rough, const, etc.): ";
      cin >> grade;
   void showtype() const
      cout << "\n   Dimensions: " << dimensions;
      cout << "\n   Grade: " << grade;
class Measure
   int feet;
   float inches;
   public:                        //no-arg constructor
   Measure() : feet(0), inches(0.0)
   {  }
   Measure(int ft, float in) : feet(ft), inches(in)
   {  }
   void getdist()              //get length from user
      cout << "   Enter feet: ";  cin >> feet;
      cout << "   Enter inches: ";  cin >> inches;
   void showdist() const
   { cout  << feet << "\'-" << inches << '\"'; }
class Product : public Type, public Measure
   int quantity;                      //number of pieces
   double price;                      //price of each piece
   Product() : Type(), Measure(), quantity(0), price(0.0)
   {  }
   //constructor (6 args)
   Product( string di, string gr,
   int ft, float in,
   int qu, float prc ) :
   Type(di, gr),
   Measure(ft, in),          //call Measure ctor
   quantity(qu), price(prc)   //initialize our data
   {  }
   void getlumber()
      cout << "   Enter quantity: "; cin >> quantity;
      cout << "   Enter price per piece: "; cin >> price;
   void showlumber() const
      cout << "\n   Length: ";
      cout << "\n   Price for " << quantity
      << " pieces: $" << price * quantity;
int main()
   Product siding;
   cout << "\nSiding data:\n";
   siding.getlumber();              //get siding from user
   //constructor (6 args)
   Product studs( "2x4", "const", 8, 0.0, 200, 4.45F );
   cout << "\nSiding";  siding.showlumber();
   cout << "\nStuds";     studs.showlumber();
   cout << endl;
   return 0;

