C++ char array counts words in phrase


C++ char array counts words in phrase

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <conio.h>             //for getche()
enum itsaWord { NO, YES };     //NO=0, YES=1
int main()/*from   w  w w  .  j  a  v a  2 s . com*/
   itsaWord isWord = NO;       //YES when in a word,
   //NO when in whitespace
   char ch = 'a';              //character read from keyboard
   int wordcount = 0;          //number of words read
   cout << "Enter a phrase:\n";
   do {
      ch = getche();           //get character
      if(ch==' ' || ch=='\r')  //if white space,
         if( isWord == YES )   //and doing a word,
         {                  //then it's end of word
             wordcount++;       //count the word
             isWord = NO;       //reset flag
      }                     //otherwise, it's normal character
      else if( isWord == NO )    //if start of word,
         isWord = YES;      //then set flag
   } while( ch != '\r' );   //quit on Enter key
   cout << "\n---Word count is " << wordcount << "---\n";
   return 0;

