Swift - Custom Type Class definition


Classes in Swift look like this:

class Car { 


Classes contain both properties and methods.

Properties are variables that are part of a class.

Methods are functions that are part of a class.

The Car class contains two properties: an optional String called color, and an Int called maxSpeed.

Property declarations is the same as variable declarations:

var color: String? 
var maxSpeed = 80 

Methods in a class look the same as functions, just inside the class definition.

Code that's in a method can access the properties of a class by using the self keyword.

self refers to the object that's currently running the code:

func description() -> String { 
    return "A \(self.color ?? "uncolored") vehicle" 
func travel() { 
    print("Traveling at \(maxSpeed) kph") 

You can omit the self keyword if it's obvious that the property is part of the current object.

Here, description uses the self keyword, while travel doesn't.

class Car { 
    var color: String? 
    var maxSpeed = 80 
    func description() -> String { 
        return "A \(self.color ?? "uncolored") vehicle" 
    func travel() { 
        print("Traveling at \(maxSpeed) kph") 

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