Python - Using a list of lambda


Create a list of lambda:


L = [lambda x: x ** 2,               # Inline function definition 
     lambda x: x ** 3, 
     lambda x: x ** 4]               # A list of three callable functions 
#  w w  w . j a  v  a  2 s.  co  m
for f in L: 
    print(f(2))                      # Prints 4, 8, 16 

print(L[0](3))                       # Prints 9


Which is the same as follows:


def f1(x): return x ** 2 
def f2(x): return x ** 3             # Define named functions 
def f3(x): return x ** 4 

L = [f1, f2, f3]                     # Reference by name 
# w ww. ja  v a2s. co  m
for f in L: 
    print(f(2))                      # Prints 4, 8, 16 

print(L[0](3))                       # Prints 9


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