PHP - Storing Objects as Strings


Objects that you create in PHP are stored as binary data in memory.

PHP provides two functions to help you with this:

serialize() converts an object - properties, methods, and all - into a string of text
unserialize() takes a string created by serialize() and turns it back into a usable object

The following example shows these two functions in action:


class Person {/*from  ww  w  .  j  ava 2 s.c  om*/
            public $age;

$tom = new Person();
$tom->age = 28;
$tomString = serialize($tom);
echo "::::'$tomString'\n";
echo "Converting '$tomString' back to an object... \n";
$obj = unserialize($tomString);
echo "tom's age is: $obj->age \n";


This code creates a simple Person class with one property, $age.

It then creates a new Person object, $tom, and sets its $age property to 28.

It calls serialize() to convert the object to a string, which it displays.

Finally, it converts the string back into a new object,$obj, then displays its $obj->age property (28).

You can actually use serialize() and unserialize() on any PHP value, not just objects.

When you serialize an object, PHP attempts to call a method with the name __sleep() inside the object.

You can use this method to do anything that's required before the object is serialized.

You can create a __wakeup() method that is called when the object is unserialized.

__sleep() is useful for cleaning up an object prior to serializing it, in the same way that you might clean up in a destructor method.

PHP expects your __sleep() method to return an array of names of properties to preserve in the serialized string.

You can use this to limit the number of properties stored in the string.


        class User {
          public $username;
          public $password;
          public $loginsToday;

          public function __sleep() {
             // (Clean up; close database handles, etc)
             return array("username","password");
          }/*from   w  w w. j av a  2s .  co m*/
        $user = new User;
        $user->username ="tom";
        $user->password ="mypassword";
        $user->loginsToday = 3;
        echo "The original user object: \n";
        echo "Serializing the object... \n";
        $userString = serialize($user);
        echo "The user is now serialized in the following string: \n";
        echo "$userString \n";
        echo "Converting the string back to an object... \n";
        $obj = unserialize($userString);
        echo "The unserialized object: \n";
        echo "\n";


Here, we don't care about preserving the number of times the user has logged in today, so the __sleep() method only returns the "username" and "password" property names.

When the object is restored from the string, the $loginsToday property is empty.

To preserve all your object's properties, use the built-in get_object_vars() function to get an associative array of all the properties in the object.

Then use the array_keys() function to get just the property names as an array, which you can then return from your __sleep() method:


        class User {
          public $username;
          public $password;
          public $loginsToday;

          public function __sleep() {
              return array_keys(get_object_vars($this));
          }/*from   w w w .  j av  a 2s .  co  m*/
          public function __wakeup() {
            echo "wakeup \n";

        $user = new User;
        $userString = serialize($user);
        $obj = unserialize($userString);
