PHP - Custom Type Interface Definition


Interfaces declare a consistent set of methods that classes must implement.

A class implements an interface.

At the same time, the class can also extend a parent class.

A class can implement more than one interface at once.

You create an interface via keyword interface rather than class.

You then specify a list of methods that implementing classes must include:

interface MyInterface {
           public function myMethod1($param1, $param2);
           public function myMethod2($param1, $param2);

Interfaces can't contain properties; they can only contain method declarations which can't contain any implementation code.

All methods in an interface must be public.

You can then make a class implement an interface using the implements keyword:

class MyClass implements MyInterface {
          public function myMethod1($param1, $param2) {
            // (implement the method here)

          public function myMethod2($param1, $param2) {
            // (implement the method here)

To implement more than one interface at once, separate the interface names with commas:

class MyClass implements MyInterface1, MyInterface2 {

The following example shows how to create and use a Product interface.



        interface Product {
          public function addStock($numItems);
          public function sellItem();
          public function getStockLevel();
        }/*from   www.  ja v a 2 s .  c  o m*/

        class Phone implements Product {
          private $_screenSize;
          private $_stockLevel;

          public function getScreenSize() {
            return $this->_screenSize;
           public function setScreenSize($screenSize) {
             $this->_screenSize = $screenSize;

           public function addStock($numItems) {
             $this->_stockLevel += $numItems;

           public function sellItem() {
             if ($this->_stockLevel  >  0) {
               return true;
             } else {
               return false;

           public function getStockLevel() {
             return $this->_stockLevel;

         class PC implements Product {
           private $_color;
           private $_left;

           public function getColor() {
             return $this->_color;

           public function setColor($color) {
             $this->_color = $color;

           public function addStock($numItems) {
             $this->_left += $numItems;

           public function sellItem() {
             if ($this->_left  >  0) {
               return true;
             } else {
               return false;

           public function getStockLevel() {
             return $this->_left;

class StoreManager {
  private $_productList = array();
  public function addProduct(Product $product) {
    $this->_productList[] = $product;

  public function stockUp() {
    foreach ($this->_productList as $product) {

$phone = new Phone;
$pc = new PC;
$manager = new StoreManager();
echo "There are". $phone->getStockLevel()."". $phone->getScreenSize();
echo "-inch televisions and". $pc->getStockLevel()."".
echo "Selling...\n";
echo "There are now". $phone->getStockLevel()."". $phone->getScreenSize();
echo "-inch televisions and". $pc->getStockLevel()."".
echo "tennis balls.\n";


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