The WHILE LOOP statement runs one or more statements while a condition is true.
It has this structure:
[ label ] WHILE condition LOOP statements END LOOP [ label ];
If the condition is true, the statements run and control returns to the top of the loop, where condition is evaluated again.
If the condition is not true, control transfers to the statement after the WHILE LOOP statement.
To prevent an infinite loop, a statement inside the loop must make the condition false or null.
An EXIT, EXIT WHEN, CONTINUE, or CONTINUE WHEN in the statements can cause the loop or the current iteration of the loop to end early.
In the following code, the statements in the first WHILE LOOP statement never run, and the statements in the second WHILE LOOP statement run once.
SQL> SQL>-- www .ja va 2s .c o m SQL> DECLARE 2 done BOOLEAN := FALSE; 3 BEGIN 4 WHILE done LOOP 5 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('This line does not print.'); 6 done := TRUE; -- This assignment is not made. 7 END LOOP; 8 9 WHILE NOT done LOOP 10 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Hello, world!'); 11 done := TRUE; 12 END LOOP; 13 END; 14 / Hello, world! PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
To simulate do...while loop to do Loop Until or Repeat Until structure, use a basic LOOP statement with an EXIT WHEN statement:
LOOP statements EXIT WHEN condition; END LOOP;