The following code shows an example using the arithmetic functions SIN, TANH, EXP, LOG, and LN.
The number 3.14159265 as an approximation of p (pi) is used in the SIN function to convert degrees into radians.
SQL> SQL> select sin(30*3.14159265/180), tanh(0.5) 2 , exp(4), log(2,32), ln(32)-- from w w w . ja va2 s. c om 3 from dual; SIN(30*3.14159265/180) | TANH(0.5) | EXP(4) | LOG(2,32) | LN(32) ---------------------- | --------- | --------- | --------- | --------- 00000.50 | 00000.46 | 00054.60 | 00005.00 | 00003.47 SQL>