The COMPUTE command can be used with BREAK to give summary results.
COMPUTE allows us to calculate an aggregate value and place the result at the break point.
The syntax of COMPUTE is:
COMPUTE aggregate(column) ON break-point
To sum the salaries and report the sums at the break points of the above query, we can execute the following script, which contains the COMPUTE command:
SET echo off COLUMN curr_salary FORMAT $9,999,999 -- www . j a v a 2 s . c o m COLUMN ename FORMAT a10 COLUMN region FORMAT a6 BREAK ON region skip1 COMPUTE sum of curr_salary ON region SET verify off SELECT empno, ename, curr_salary, region FROM employee ORDER BY region / CLEAR BREAKS CLEAR COMPUTES CLEAR COLUMNS SET verify on SET echo on
While there can be only one BREAK active at a time, the BREAK may contain more than one ON clause.
A common practice is to have the BREAK break not only on some column, but also to have the BREAK be in effect for the entire report.