The following example shows how you can declare a different number of parameters:
SQL> SQL> declare-- from ww w. j av a 2 s . com 2 function f_getArea_Nr(i_rad_nr NUMBER) 3 return NUMBER 4 is 5 v_pi_nr NUMBER:=3.14; 6 begin 7 return v_pi_nr * (i_rad_nr ** 2); 8 end; 9 10 function f_getArea_Nr(i_length_nr NUMBER, i_width_nr NUMBER) 11 return NUMBER 12 is 13 begin 14 return i_length_nr * i_width_nr; 15 end; 16 begin 17 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Area (R=3):'||f_getArea_Nr(3)); 18 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Area (2x3):'||f_getArea_Nr(2,3)); 19 end; 20 / Area (R=3):28.26 Area (2x3):6 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>
Here, the code has two functions with the same name, but the first one has a single parameter and the second has double parameters.