Oracle PL/SQL - PL SQL Data Type Object types


In an object-oriented environment, you can describe the whole thing as an object called EMP:


SQL> create type emp_oty is object (
  2        empNo    NUMBER,
  3        eName    VARCHAR2(10),-- w w  w .  j  av a2s  .  co  m
  4        job      VARCHAR2(9),
  5        mgr      NUMBER,
  6        hireDate DATE,
  7        sal      NUMBER,
  8        comm     NUMBER,
  9        deptNo   NUMBER,
 10        member procedure p_changeName (i_newName_tx VARCHAR2),
 11        member function       f_getIncome_nr  return VARCHAR2
 12  );
 13  /
create type emp_oty is object (
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object

Elapsed: 00:00:00.02
SQL> create or replace type body emp_oty as
  2        member function f_getIncome_nr return VARCHAR2
  3        is
  4        begin
  5              return sal+comm;
  6        end f_getIncome_nr;
  7        member procedure p_changeName
  8             (i_newName_tx VARCHAR2)
  9        is
 10        begin
 11              eName:=i_newName_tx;
 12        end p_changeName;
 13  end;
 14  /

Type body created.

You can prefix it with CREATE or REPLACE and execute it in the same way as procedures or functions.

You can manipulate objects with the same standard DDL commands:

drop type emp_oty; -- drop type
alter type emp_oty add attribute birthdate_dt DATE; -- add attribute
alter type emp_oty drop attribute birthdate_dt DATE; -- drop attribute


SQL> declare-- from  w  w w  .  j a v a  2 s.c  om
  2        v_emp_oty emp_oty;
  3  begin
  4        v_emp_oty:=emp_oty (100,
  5                            'TestEmp',
  6                            null,
  7                            null,
  8                            sysdate,
  9                            1000,
 10                            500,
 11                            10);
 12         v_emp_oty.sal:=v_emp_oty.sal+500;
 13         DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Employee:'||v_emp_oty.eName||' has income '||v_emp_oty.f_getIncome_nr());
 15  end;
 16  /
Employee:TestEmp has income 2000

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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