In the following code, table_type_1 is a nested table of nested tables of strings, and table_type_2 is a nested table of varrays of integers.
SQL> SQL> DECLARE-- w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om 2 TYPE tb1 IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(20); -- nested table of strings 3 vtb1 tb1 := tb1('one', 'three'); 4 5 TYPE table_type_1 IS TABLE OF tb1; 6 vntb1 table_type_1 := table_type_1(vtb1); 7 8 TYPE tv1 IS VARRAY(10) OF INTEGER; -- varray of integers 9 TYPE table_type_2 IS TABLE OF tv1; 10 vntb2 table_type_2 := table_type_2(tv1(3,5), tv1(5,7,3)); 11 12 BEGIN 13 vntb1.EXTEND; 14 vntb1(2) := vntb1(1); 15 vntb1.DELETE(1); 16 vntb1(2).DELETE(1); 17 END; 18 / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>