The IF THEN ELSIF statement has this structure:
IF condition_1 THEN statements_1 ELSIF condition_2 THEN statements_2 [ ELSIF condition_3 THEN statements_3 ]... [ ELSE else_statements ] END IF;
The IF THEN ELSIF statement runs the first statements for which condition is true.
Remaining conditions are not evaluated.
If no condition is true, the else_statements run, if they exist; otherwise, the IF THEN ELSIF statement does nothing.
SQL> SQL> DECLARE-- ww w. j a v a2 s .com 2 PROCEDURE p (sales NUMBER) 3 IS 4 bonus NUMBER := 0; 5 BEGIN 6 IF sales > 50000 THEN 7 bonus := 1500; 8 ELSIF sales > 35000 THEN 9 bonus := 500; 10 ELSE 11 bonus := 100; 12 END IF; 13 14 DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sales = ' || sales || ', bonus = ' || bonus || '.'); 15 END p; 16 BEGIN 17 p(55000); 18 p(40000); 19 p(30000); 20 END; 21 / Sales = 55000, bonus = 1500. Sales = 40000, bonus = 500. Sales = 30000, bonus = 100. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>