PL/SQL identifiers are names of PL/SQL program items.
The items could be constants, variables, exceptions, cursors, cursor variables, subprograms, and packages.
When creating identifiers, keep the following in mind:
Some examples of valid and invalid identifiers:
v_index_nr -- valid v$index_nr -- valid v index_nr -- invalid because of the space 5_index_nr -- invalid because it starts with a number v-index_nr -- invalid because it contains -, a hyphen
By default, identifiers are not case sensitive, so v_index_nr and V_Index_NR are the same.
PL/SQL is case-insensitive for identifiers.
For example, the identifiers last_name, Last_Name, and LAST_NAME are the same.
A user-defined identifier has to follow the following rules:
A user-defined identifier cannot be a reserved word.
The following code lists examples of ordinary user-defined identifiers:
A t2 T4 asdf# credit_card FirstName first$number asdf$$$tree SN## try_catch_
Examples of unacceptable user-defined identifiers:
mine&yours -- cannot have & debit-amount -- cannot have - on/off -- cannot have / user id -- cannot have space
The identifier cannot exceed 30 bytes.