You can produce aggregated information from a database, where the rows in the results represent information about a set of database rows.
For example, you can get the number of emp per department.
For this type of query, you need the GROUP BY clause of the SELECT command.
select e.deptno as "department" , count(e.empno) as "number of emp" from emp e group by e.deptno;
Here, we use the COUNT function to count the number of emp per department.
COUNT is an example of a group function.
The result of this query is a table.
But, there is no one-to-one mapping anymore between the rows of the EMPLOYEES table and the three rows of the result.
Instead, you aggregate employee data per department.
SQL> SQL>-- ww w. ja va 2 s . co m SQL> drop table emp; Table dropped. SQL> create table emp( 2 empno NUMBER(4) primary key, 3 ename VARCHAR2(8) not null , 4 init VARCHAR2(5) not null , 5 job VARCHAR2(8) , 6 mgr NUMBER(4) , 7 bdate DATE not null , 8 msal NUMBER(6,2) not null , 9 comm NUMBER(6,2) , 10 deptno NUMBER(2) default 10) ; SQL> SQL> insert into emp values(7001,'SMITH','N', 'TRAINER', 7902,date '1975-12-17', 1800 , NULL, 20); SQL> insert into emp values(7002,'ALLEN','JAM','SALESREP',7006,date '1971-05-20', 1600, 300, 30); SQL> insert into emp values(7003,'WARD', 'TF' ,'SALESREP',7006,date '1972-03-02', 1250, 500, 10); SQL> insert into emp values(7004,'JACK', 'JM', 'MANAGER', 7009,date '1977-04-02', 2975, NULL, 20); SQL> insert into emp values(7005,'BROWN','P', 'SALESREP',7006,date '1976-09-28', 1250, 1400, 30); SQL> insert into emp values(7006,'BLAKE','R', 'MANAGER', 7009,date '1973-11-01', 2850, NULL, 10); SQL> insert into emp values(7007,'CLARK','AB', 'MANAGER', 7009,date '1975-06-09', 2450, NULL, 10); SQL> insert into emp values(7008,'SCOTT','DEF','TRAINER', 7004,date '1979-11-26', 3000, NULL, 20); SQL> insert into emp values(7009,'KING', 'CC', 'DIRECTOR',NULL,date '1972-10-17', 5000, NULL, 10); SQL> insert into emp values(7010,'BREAD','JJ', 'SALESREP',7006,date '1978-09-28', 1500, 0, 30); SQL> insert into emp values(7011,'ADAMS','AA', 'TRAINER', 7008,date '1976-12-30', 1100, NULL, 20); SQL> insert into emp values(7012,'JONES','R', 'ADMIN', 7006,date '1979-10-03', 8000, NULL, 30); SQL> insert into emp values(7902,'FORD', 'MG', 'TRAINER', 7004,date '1979-02-13', 3000, NULL, 20); SQL> insert into emp values(7934,'MARY', 'ABC','ADMIN', 7007,date '1972-01-23', 1300, NULL, 10); SQL> select e.deptno as "department" 2 , count(e.empno) as "number of emp" 3 from emp e 4 group by e.deptno; department | number of emp ---------- | ------------- 30 | 00004.00 2 | 00005.00 1 | 00005.00 SQL>