Correlated subqueries often occur in combination with the EXISTS operator.
The following query returns all course offerings without registrations.
select o.* from offerings o where not exists (select r.* from registrations r where r.course = o.course and r.begindate = o.begindate);
The EXISTS operator is not interested in the actual rows resulting from the subquery.
This operator checks for only the existence of subquery results.
If the subquery returns at least one resulting row, the EXISTS operator evaluates to TRUE.
If the subquery returns no rows at all, the result is FALSE.
SQL> SQL>-- from w w w. j a va 2 s .c o m SQL> drop table offerings; Table dropped. SQL> create table offerings( 2 course VARCHAR2(6) not null, 3 begindate DATE not null, 4 trainer NUMBER(4) , 5 location VARCHAR2(8)) ; SQL> SQL> insert into offerings values ('SQL',date '1999-04-12',7902,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('JSON',date '1999-08-10',7004,'CHICAGO'); SQL> insert into offerings values ('SQL',date '1999-10-04',7001,'SEATTLE'); SQL> insert into offerings values ('SQL',date '1999-12-13',7001,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('JAVA',date '1999-12-13',7004,'SEATTLE'); SQL> insert into offerings values ('XML',date '2000-02-03',7001,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('JAVA',date '2000-02-01',7011,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('PLS',date '2000-09-11',7008,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('XML',date '2000-09-18',NULL,'SEATTLE'); SQL> insert into offerings values ('JSON',date '2000-09-27',7902,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('ERM',date '2001-01-15',NULL, NULL ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('PRO',date '2001-02-19',NULL,'DALLAS' ); SQL> insert into offerings values ('RSD',date '2001-02-24',7008,'CHICAGO'); SQL> SQL> drop table registrations; Table dropped. SQL> create table registrations( 2 attendee NUMBER(4) not null, 3 course VARCHAR2(6) , 4 begindate DATE not null, 5 evaluation NUMBER(1) check (evaluation in (1,2,3,4,5))) ; SQL> SQL> insert into registrations values (7002,'SQL',date '1999-04-12',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7934,'SQL',date '1999-04-12',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7006,'SQL',date '1999-04-12',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7011,'SQL',date '1999-04-12',2 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7008,'SQL',date '1999-10-04',NULL); SQL> insert into registrations values (7009,'SQL',date '1999-10-04',3 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7902,'SQL',date '1999-10-04',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7902,'SQL',date '1999-12-13',NULL); SQL> insert into registrations values (7006,'SQL',date '1999-12-13',NULL); SQL> insert into registrations values (7003,'JSON',date '1999-08-10',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7012,'JSON',date '1999-08-10',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7902,'JSON',date '1999-08-10',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7010,'JSON',date '2000-09-27',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7002,'JAVA',date '1999-12-13',2 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7007,'JAVA',date '1999-12-13',NULL ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7011,'JAVA',date '1999-12-13',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7008,'JAVA',date '1999-12-13',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7009,'JAVA',date '1999-12-13',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7004,'JAVA',date '2000-02-01',3 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7008,'JAVA',date '2000-02-01',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7006,'JAVA',date '2000-02-01',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7012,'XML',date '2000-02-03',4 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7002,'XML',date '2000-02-03',5 ); SQL> insert into registrations values (7004,'PLS',date '2000-09-11',NULL); SQL> insert into registrations values (7002,'PLS',date '2000-09-11',NULL); SQL> insert into registrations values (7011,'PLS',date '2000-09-11',NULL); SQL> SQL> SQL> select o.* 2 from offerings o 3 where not exists 4 (select r.* 5 from registrations r 6 where r.course = o.course 7 and r.begindate = o.begindate); COURSE | BEGINDATE | TRAINER | LOCATION ------ | ---------- | --------- | -------- XML | 18-09-2000 | [N/A] | SEATTLE PRO | 19-02-2001 | [N/A] | DALLAS ERM | 15-01-2001 | [N/A] | [N/A] RSD | 24-02-2001 | 07008.00 | CHICAGO SQL>